The Brantford Police Service Traffic Unit launched a Back-to-School Road Safety Blitz, in September 2022 to look for aggressive drivers, persons speeding, and to conduct stop sign enforcement in various school safety zones throughout Brantford.
A total of 142 charges were laid as a direct result of this road safety initiative. Speeding accounted for 59 of the charges laid, with one additional driver being charged with Stunt Driving.
Under the Highway Traffic Act, if you are travelling 40km/hr over the posted speed limit in speed zones below 80 km/hr, you will now be charged with Stunt Driving. In addition to fees and demerit points, a driver charged with Stunt Driving will now receive a 30-day driver licence suspension and a 14-day vehicle impoundment under the new rules.
Motorists are also reminded to continue to use caution around school buses. When a school bus has stopped and activated its flashing red lights, all vehicles travelling behind or approaching the bus must come to a complete stop before reaching the bus. Drivers who fail to stop in these conditions face a minimum $400 fine and six demerit points for a first offence. If a vehicle is identified to fail for a school bus the registered owner can also receive a $400 fine.
In addition to the speeding related charges, the BPS Back-to-School road safety initiative also saw one charge issued for use of a cell phone and 81 other charges for moving violations, improper documents, and vehicle deficiencies.
We urge motorists and pedestrians to commute safely, free from distractions and to continue to use extra caution when travelling through residential areas, school zones and along bus routes. Please slow down and be alert for children travelling to and from school. Community safety is a shared responsibility.